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California Judge Joshua Weinstein's Misconduct & Corrupt Acts Called Out

Public Calls Out On California Santa Clara County Superior Court Judge Joshua Weinstein’s Misconduct & Corrupt Acts 

San Jose, February 28, 2019

Honesty, fair play, search for truth, unbiased application of enacted law, are among the “must have” qualities of a American Judge when they make binding, life-altering decisions on U.S. citizen’s life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.

Complaints against the California judges, and in particularly the Santa Clara County judges, supervised by the California Judicial Council, have grown in recent past.

Lack of transparency, for e.g. no recording of court proceedings, judicial immunity, tampering of records, judicial misconduct tactics, cover ups, et al., renders judicial misconduct almost invisible

, public has grown increasingly frustrated and began documenting and sharing with the world the crisis of judicial corruption. For e.g.  recent Santa Clara County public filings reveal uncontroverted facts supporting Judge Joshua Weinstein’s misconduct, corrupt acts, fraud on the court, creation of false record, et al.

California Superior Court Judge Joshua Weinstein

Click on link
  to view for 2/25/2019 Filed “Objection To A Second In A Series of Fraud on the Court, Creation of False Record, Bias, Untruthful Acts, et al.”occurring on Judge Joshua Weinstein new assignment to this case. The filing documents that Judge Weinstein, in collusion with opposing counsel Mr. Christopher Hirz, signed a 2/19/2019 Findings and Order After Hearing (“FAOAH”) that “is untruthful, a creation of a false record, fraud on court”, in that it suppressed the fact that certain parties were could not appear due to unforeseen medical emergencies.

California Attorney Christopher Hirz of Delponte Hirz Law Firm

“Under the above circumstances, failure to mention parties’ medical emergencies in the FAOAH, or the failure to mention request for a continuance, absence of the compelling circumstances why respondent & joined party could not appear, but stating that they “did not appear”, is untruthful, not providing the full story, misleading, and constitutes a creation of a false record, and a fraud on the court”

Separately click on  link
for 2/11/2019 filed “Objection To Abuse Of Judicial Process, Obstruction Of Justice, Fraud on the Court, Et Al.” where it is complained that “[i]nstead of criticizing/penalizing [attorney Hirz represented] petitioner for filing a 1/25/2019 due response, 10 days late on 2/4/2019, and that too serving it by U.S. mail, calculated to deprive joined party of a reply, Judge Weinstein, promoting Hirz, being both of same Jewish faith, ask[s] Hirz if his side had filed a response to joined party’s Sur-reply…By doing so, Judge Weinstein gave the defaulting party, Hirz, further opportunity to respond to Sur-Reply, ignoring the victims of petitioner’s untimely response, or in not following the law of not considering the untimely response”

When pro se respondent attempted to argue on merits “Judge Weinstein said he was not interested in what respondent thinks the key point the joined party is making”

On Judge Weinstein refusal to provide a previously requested interpreter for an 89 year old non-native English speaker party, the filing complains “that it seems abusive that you ask someone to argue when the person cannot speak English”

“When Judge Weinstein interrupted respondent and began yelling at respondent, respondent stated “There is no need to yell at me” asking Judge Weinstein to be respectful”
“When respondent complained saying “So we are not going to be heard?”” their appearance by CourtCall was abruptly disconnected.

Public filings in the same case show that this victim has been repeatedly targeted by the California Judicial Council and the Santa Clara County Superior Court Judges in retaliation to victim's effort to bring judicial irregularities to light. It appears that instead of remedying the complained issue, the California Judicial Council vilifies and smears victim and their reputation, a clear abuse of power, which power is bestowed on, and is limited to adjudicate on fact and law.

It is such gross judicial misconduct that led to California State Auditor being asked to audit of the hollow California judicial oversight body, the state’s Commission on Judicial Performance

Ironically public had previously complained that Judge Joshua Weinstein routinely cozy up lawyers and “He is especially unfair to self-represented parties” see

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  1. I was Shamed by this Monster, A.K.A., Judge Joshua Weinstein. I'm a deep rooted American of Californio roots, yet this man named "Weinstein" tried shaming my Heritage!! This Judge can not remain in the South Western section of the United States ( once upon a time Northern Mexico). Maybe he can find work in New York city.


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